New templates to aid application of the Radioligand Therapy Readiness Assessment Framework

2 February 2021

The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) has published a series of templates to support independent applications of the Radioligand Therapy Readiness Assessment Framework.

The six templates provide a step-by-step guide to applying the framework, and are designed to be used in conjunction with the user guide. The templates are:

  • Stakeholder mapping: helps identify experts and organise an advisory group of multidisciplinary experts
  • Search strategy: assists with developing a search strategy for each domain of the framework and recording findings from desk research
  • Discussion guide: facilitates the development of discussion guides for use during interviews with the experts identified in stakeholder mapping
  • Working paper: helps structure research and develop working papers for each domain of a health system to explain the current integration of and future readiness for radioligand therapy
  • Situation analysis: guides the development of a report on the current integration of radioligand therapy and readiness for the treatment across all domains of a health system, highlighting the strategic challenges
  • Policy action blueprint development: supports the prioritisation of strategic challenges to the integration of and readiness for radioligand therapy; the template can also be used to help develop proposed policy asks aimed at specific healthcare actors who could help address those challenges.

The framework can be applied at a national, regional, city or institutional level, for any number of cancers or radioligand therapies. It is designed to be flexible: it can be applied in its entirety, or sections covering individual domains can be applied on their own. It can also be adapted to account for differences between health systems.

We warmly encourage interested parties to adapt our framework and apply it to their own settings, and hope that the templates will aid this process.