The Health Policy Partnership and the European Health Management Association have published a new report, Health system readiness for innovation: putting research into practice to drive effective implementation, aiming to help healthcare managers and procurers of innovation implement positive changes in their health systems.

The report builds on discussions from the webinar ‘Building readiness: from research to impact’, which took place in March 2023. It outlines five key principles of successful implementation:

  1. Rigorous data collection
  2. Systems thinking
  3. Collaboration
  4. Understanding the local context
  5. Iterative improvement.

The report highlights the role of frameworks as tools that provide a simplified representation of a health system and support the pursuit of these five principles. The authors hope it will encourage healthcare managers and procurers to use frameworks in collaboration with patient communities and those at the front line of care. This should, in turn, support the better implementation of innovations so that everyone is able to access the high-quality care they need.