About the project

The radioligand therapy project is run by The Health Policy Partnership. It began in 2019, with the aim to raise awareness of radioligand therapy among policymakers and the wider cancer community in Europe. In early 2020, we launched a report illustrating the policy barriers to the integration of radioligand therapy. The next phase was developing an assessment framework to evaluate health system readiness for radioligand therapy and help guide change. Throughout 2021, we are working on nationally specific, consensus-driven policy recommendations.

HPP is the international coordinator of the radioligand therapy project, with the role of managing and coordinating the project. Find the Terms of Reference for the continuation of this project here.

About the framework

The Radioligand Therapy Readiness Assessment Framework was developed by The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) in collaboration with a multidisciplinary International Expert Advisory Group. The aim of the framework is to evaluate the extent to which radioligand therapy is currently integrated into five areas of a health system and establish what is needed for its successful integration into cancer care.

Guided by national Expert Advisory Groups, we have applied the framework in the US and the UK to develop nationally specific policy action blueprints and situation analyses. These materials outline the steps to improve the current integration of radioligand therapy into cancer care and readiness of the US and UK health systems for its greater use in the future.

Each Expert Advisory Group had full editorial control over their corresponding deliverables, and the outputs reflect group consensus. All members provided their time for free. The outputs of this project are intended for educational purposes only and do not relate to any particular product.

Radioligand Therapy Readiness Assessment Framework About the radioligand therapy project

About the policy report

In January 2020, HPP and an expert-led steering committee launched a radioligand policy report at the European Parliament. The report, titled Radioligand therapy: realising the potential of targeted cancer care, described policy barriers to the wider integration of radioligand therapy into cancer care across Europe. The event at the European Parliament was co-hosted by Tanja Fajon MEP (S&D, Slovenia) and Ewa Kopacz MEP (EPP, Poland). It featured expert-led discussions by notable figures in nuclear medicine, oncology and European health policy focusing on the growing importance of radioligand therapy as a component of cancer care.

This first, European-focused stage of the project was supported with funding from Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis company, with additional support from Curium.

Project resources

To find out more about the international framework for radioligand therapy and European policy projects, view our resources page.

Get in touch

For more information about this project, contact us at info@radioligandtherapy.com

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